STAGE: The minimum stage size is 16 feet deep by 24 feet wide (32 x 24 preferable). Stage willbe elevated, 4 feet high, covered and one level. Two additional sound wings for speakerenclosures will be a minimum of 4 feet deep by 8 feet wide and will be level with and attached tothe main stage. Please provide at least 1 garbage can by the stage steps.
LOAD IN: Clear access to back a 30’ truck up to the stage is required. Load in / Stage access isrequired a minimum of six hours prior to show-time. Crew needs 3hours to set, band 1 hour andwe'll sound check 2 hours before show time. Adequate parking will be provided for movingvehicles and performer automobiles (as many as 10 cars).
POWER REQUIREMENTS: THE BELAIRS require access to a minimum of 50 amps of single-phase electrical power located within 75 feet of the stage. Power failure, delays in performance,due to faulty electricity is purchaser's sole responsibility. When in doubt of adequate electricalpower Purchaser may elect to have a 25KW generator delivered by a local tool rental facility.
DRESSING ROOM: Purchaser will provide a private dressing room (or motor home), withelectrical outlets and lighting to accommodate 10 performers. Dressing room will be located nearthe stage (within 50 feet). It should be made available from load-in thru load-out. Dressing roomwill have clothing racks to hang costumes, a full length mirror, table and a few chairs. A 10x10pop up with 4 sides will work for the structure if nothing else is available.
REFRESHMENTS: Purchaser will provide a minimum of 2 cases of bottled water for the bandand crew (13 people total) from load-in thru load-out. Catering for the dressing room is greatlyappreciated (but not mandatory). Refreshments are to remain in the dressing room until load outis complete.
MERCHANDISING: THE BELAIRS shall retain the sole, exclusive right to merchandising and themoneys derived there from. This includes, but is not limited to: t-shirts, records, tapes, CDs,posters, pins, hats, etc. Unless requested by purchaser, THE BELAIRS will not offermerchandising at private or corporate events.
PROMOTION / ADVERTISING: For newspapers, magazines and flier advertisements have yourgraphics people get in touch with THE BELAIRS. We can email pictures, write ups, logos etc., fora more desirable professional result.
Any substitutions to this Rider must be approved by the BELAIRSProduction & Band Manager Michael Volkerding Cell 513-375-3302prior to contract signing.Purchaser’s Initials ___________Date Agreed upon ____________Please initial and mail to:Freq City Sound4650 Baker StreetCincinnati, OH45212
STAGE: The minimum stage size is 16 feet deep by 24 feet wide (36 X 24 preferred). Stage willbe elevated a minimum of one foot and a maximum of three feet. Stage deck will be one level.AUDIENCE SEATING: To be near the stage with no dance floor area (dancing blocks the view ofthose seated trying to watch the show).
LOAD IN: Clear access to back a 30-foot truck near to the stage is required. All equipment is veryheavy and on rollers and can not be lifted (there can be no steps from load in area to the stage).Load in / Stage access is required a minimum of six hours prior to show-time. Adequate parkingwill be provided for moving truck and band cars.
POWER REQUIREMENTS: THE BELAIRS SHOW requires access to a minimum of 50 amps ofelectrical power located within 75 feet of the stage. Power failure, delays in performance due tofaulty electricity is purchaser's sole responsibility. When in doubt of adequate electrical powerPurchaser may elect to have a 25KW generator delivered by a local tool rental facility.
DRESSING ROOM: Purchaser will provide a private dressing room to accommodate 10performers. Dressing room will be located near the stage (within 50 feet). It should be madeavailable from load-in thru load-out. Dressing room will have a clothing rack to hang costumes, afull-length mirror, a small table and 3 chairs.
REFRESHMENTS: Purchaser will provide refreshments for the band and crew (13 people total)from load-in thru load-out. Catering (deli tray and condiments) for the dressing room is greatlyappreciated but not required. Refreshments are to remain in/near the dressing room until load outis complete.
MERCHANDISING: THE BELAIRS shall retain the sole, exclusive right to merchandising and themoneys derived there from. This includes, but is not limited to t-shirts, DVDs, CDs, Band Pictures,etc. Unless requested by purchaser, THE BELAIRS will not offer merchandising at private orcorporate events.
PROMOTION / ADVERTISING: For newspapers, magazines, and flier advertisements THEBELAIRS will be advertised as a Show, Show Band, or Las Vegas style Rock n Roll Revue.Logos, Pictures, write up text: substitutions to this Rider must be approved by THE BELAIRSProduction & Business Manager Mike Volkerding 513-375-3302’s Initials ___________Date Agreed upon ____________Please initial and mail to:Freq City Sound4650 Baker StreetCincinnati OH 45212